YOKE Is Now with LEEA


YOKE are delighted to announce their membership of LEEA, and we look forward to be an active participant in technical committee’s and other LEEA groups.  YOKE also recently received its 20 year membership from AWRF, is a member of SC&RA, active in other local industry associations so was delighted to now join LEEA.

We have recently opened up our 4 hour YOKE Rigging and Lifting course to all YOKE users around the globe so our customers were delighted with the training, now they also are aware we can support them with highly technical questions, due to our full access to the LEEA library, which is an extensive collection of documents and resources related to manufacturing, testing, examination and certification.

LEEA give YOKE unrivalled access to all the latest technical, legal and safety information needed to operate successfully in what is now a global industry.  The technical support we will receive is no longer just UK focused, but will assist our team in which ever international environment they operate, to meet safety standards everywhere.

Safety is our first priority.